Laugh and exercise 400 muscles of your body

In accordance with Carlos Kam Chai Sánchez Ibarra, certified professional in Laughter Therapy at the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Cuautitlán , laughter, positive emotional expression, not only contribute to a person being less prone to contract physical and psychological diseases, but also allows to face more effectively the unpleasant situations of life.

Scientific studies, published in the journal Nature , have found that the therapy of laughter counteracts some effects of stress on cardiovascular health, relaxing the vascular tone of the arteries and improving blood pressure.

The teacher in existential psychotherapy explained that when a person laughs out loud, approximately 400 muscles are exercised, among them, some located in the abdomen.

"This biological response, usually involuntary, improves the respiratory capacity four times, while it releases endorphins and decreases in 39% the production of cortisol and 70% the secretion of adrenaline; both hormones associated with stress ", he added.

Carlos Kam Chai commented that laughter therapy benefits everyone; it helps us enjoy life and get out of crises more easily, but unfortunately, as people grow, they laugh less. According to their figures, a child laughs on average, 300 times a day, while an adult laughs between 15 and 100 times.

He also specializes in couples therapy, which offers sessions of laughter therapy to patients with end-stage cancer, said that to promote laughter there is the figure of clown.

Unlike the traditional clown, who has a planned show and generally makes fun of others, the clown he improvises all the time, laughs mainly at himself and considers laughter as a way of life, the tanatologist explained.

The art of clown It has existed for thousands of years. You have the information that a clown Dwarf acted as buffoon at the court of Pharaoh Dadkeri-Assi during the 5th Dynasty of Egypt, around 2500 BC; and throughout history, most cultures have had representatives of the clown.

The American tribes had clowns They played important social and religious roles, and in some cases they were considered capable of curing certain diseases through laughter therapy.

In the case of terminally ill patients, Carlos Kam Chai Sánchez clarified that, although laughter therapy does not cure complex and multifactorial diseases such as cancer, it does contribute significantly to improve the quality of life of patients in hospitals and to combat the growing list of diseases associated with stress.

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