Exercise reduces risk of type 2 diabetes

The exercise It benefits people with type 2 diabetes, even if they do not make any changes in their lifestyle or diet, according to a recent study by Leiden University Medical Center in the...

Exercise to strengthen the neck

The neck is one of the parts of the body that most often accuse the accumulation of tension derived from everyday activity. This means that in many cases it ends up hurting us and producing a...

Abdominal exercises with elevations

There is a great diversity of routines and modalities of abdominal exercises that have the same purpose: to reduce Abdominal fat, mark and tone these muscles.The differences lie in the degree of...

Handrails for flat abdomen

Perform a routine Exercise in handrails It brings many benefits to health, beyond just strengthening your arms, shoulders and back. In the handrail you can achieve balance, coordination, balance and...

Exercises against abdominal fat

Abdominal fat is not something that concerns us only for aesthetics, but it is also associated with various diseases.The body gains fat from the absorption of nutrients provided by the food. It is...

Exercises to lose weight thighs

Contrary to what many women think, perform exercises for strengthen the legs, It allows reduce thighs. The reason is that the higher muscle mass, minor adipose tissue.Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we...

Exercises for oblique abs

One of the most difficult muscle groups to develop, tone and mark are the oblique abdominals, which, through training with appropriate exercises, allow a well defined and strong abdomen and waist.The...

Exercise for pectorals

The pectorals they are a difficult part of to exercise for the mens. Many spend hours in the fitness center doing exercise for the pectorals, but few give themselves the work of stretch them and...

Stretching with leagues

If you can not wear that neckline that you like so much because "chubby" of the back They do not leave you, try these exercises that could help you reduce the grease accumulated in this area.  Do...

Run walk

Undoubtedly one of the best remedies to maintain a heart healthy is the cardiovascular exercise. In addition to keeping fit, it also strengthens our heart.You can also see: 7 errors when practicing...

Exercises to reduce the abdomen

The excess of calories ingested and life sedentary they would prevent you from being able to show off a slender and healthy figure. To eliminate the Abdominal fat you need a plan that combines a...

Tone your abdomen

You only need to invest three days of the week to perform a routine exercises to have a flat stomach in Little time.  Mateo Martínez, trainer of Personal Trainer México, guides you to do them...

Exercises to look like Captain America

Every day more people are looking for a Exercise routine effective on Physical conditioningand it is not surprising that the training program of Chris Evans, for him Captain America, gain notoriety...

1. Walk

The exercise it becomes equal effective that the medicines for control the level of sugar in the blood. This reduces the risk of heart disease, obesity and stress, say the National Institutes of...

Exercise with the Nordic Walking

With this new method of being in shape, experts say that 90% of the muscles are mobilized. All you need is comfortable clothes and a couple of special canes.According to the Spanish physiotherapist...

Exercises to achieve a flat abdomen

Showing a slim figure looks like a challenge, but it's not impossible, plus a diet balanced, there exercises to achieve a flat abdomen.Data from Institute of Health Measurements at the University of...

Exercise with your armchair!

Your room can be a great tool to exercise and obtain an athletic body, defined and free of fat. With an exercise routine designed exclusively for a sofa you can tone your abdomen, arms, legs and...

Excesses that pass the bill

It is proven that staying active helps prolong life and be healthier, although overcoming could be dangerous, since the exercise in excess make get older prematurely  Perform exercise so excessive...

Burns calories after 30 years

Do you know the phrase: After 30 years is it more difficult to maintain a thin silhouette? The specialists assure that with a balanced diet and the practice of some routine of exercise You will be...

Weight training vs diabetes type 2

Make a Weight training On a regular basis it can reduce the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes by up to 34%, according to a new study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and...