Run walk

Undoubtedly one of the best remedies to maintain a heart healthy is the cardiovascular exercise . In addition to keeping fit, it also strengthens our heart .

You can also see: 7 errors when practicing cardio

According to studies published by University of New South Wales (Sydney) the cardiovascular exercise It is the one that burns more calories and helps you lose weight quickly. Improves physical condition and Cardiovascular system .

Start now !

These are the best exercises to prevent heart attacks :


Run walk

This type of exercise It increases the heart rate and allows a better blood supply throughout the body.

It improves breathing, since it oxygenates the cells of the body.

For the functioning of the cardiovascular system to improve, it is recommended to run or walk at least 20 minutes a day at least 3 times a week.

Avoid exceeding during practice. The energy consumption is greater and the effort could cause health problems.



Swimming is a recommended sport at any age. The risk of injury is less than that of many sports and does not affect the joints.

It is a constant aerobic exercise which benefits the functioning of the heart and breathing.

The water temperature should be 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. When the temperature is colder it can cause heart problems such as angina or arrhythmias.


Exercise on a bicycle is recommended for prevent heart attacks . It is a practice that balances blood pressure and improves breathing.

At the moment of rhythmically moving the legs, the muscles need more oxygen and the heart it pumps more blood, which makes it more resistant.

Remember that hydration is essential when you exercise. The organism needs the mineral salts of the water to recover the energy and the liquid lost through sweat.

Strengthen your heart with these exercises to prevent heart attacks . Little by little you will see how your physical condition improves and your performance will be better and better.


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