Burns calories after 30 years

Do you know the phrase: After 30 years is it more difficult to maintain a thin silhouette? The specialists assure that with a balanced diet and the practice of some routine of exercise You will be able to face the physical and internal modifications that your body suffers when passing time.

According to the health coach, Claudia González, motivation is the key to perform some routine of exercise focused on improving physical condition in general, burning calories and to prevent flaccidity.

If you want to improve your physical condition and speed up your metabolism for proper calorie burning, leave the sedentary lifestyle to one side and perform the following routine exercise.

1.- Slide: Place the tips of your feet on the plates, with legs slightly apart. Flex your knees and place your hands on the floor as if you were doing a squat. Push your legs back and stay as if you were doing a lizard. Return to the squat position and get up. Perform 15 repetitions.

2.- Strong arms: Hold the squat position and place your hands on the ground. Slide your legs back to the V position, at the same time you lower your body without touching the floor. Return to the starting position. Perform 10 repetitions.

3.- Destroy burns fat: Squat on the plates and slide one leg backwards, resting your arms on the floor. Flex the stretched knee and slide it to your chest. Immediately return to the original position. Do 15 repetitions with each leg.

4.- Steel abdomen: Lie face down, support your hands on the plates and stretch your arms, you will be kneeling. Bend one elbow and slide it to the front without moving the other arm. Press up to return to the original position and do it with the other arm. Do 15 repetitions.

5.- Skiing: To increase the effectiveness of this exercise you can use dumbbells. Stand up. Flex your right knee at the same time you slide your left leg to one side (keep it straight). Bend your elbows at 90 degrees and move them back and forth as you do the slides. Alternate with both legs and do 15 repetitions with each one.

If you are a person over 30, in your exercise routine you must combine movements that improve your strength, strength and elasticity, to increase your concentration, reduce stress, improve your posture, eliminate deposits of grease that accumulate in the body and diseases.

Video Medicine: Intense Full Body Workout | Burn 400 Calories in 30 Min At Home (May 2024).