How to reduce abdominal fat

Mexico is the number one country with the highest rates of obesity, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reveals alarming figures where 70% of Mexican adults are overweight and 32.8% suffer from obesity.

Poor eating habits, a high intake of calories in junk foods, inactivity and lack of exercise are factors that contribute to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Health institutions recommend that the waist of women should not measure more than 80 centimeters and in men no more than 90, because abdominal fat represents a risk. Magazine European Health Journal mentions that the grease Stored in the stomach area can clog the arteries, and increase the chances of heart problems.

To reduce abdominal fat, we present five things that really reduce your abdomen.

1. Increase your fiber intake. The fiber, in addition to helping to lower the cholesterol in our blood and regulate our intestinal function, is proven to be able to reduce abdominal fat by 4%, as it was published David Alexande r in the American Journal of Clinic Nutrition . We recommend consuming strawberries, apples, cabbage and carrots.

2. Cardio training . Also known as aerobic exercises, they help burn fat, strengthen the heart, increase lung capacity, reduce the risk of high blood pressure and also reduce the size of fat cells in the abdomen; so detailed a study of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Cente r published in the International Journal of Obesity.

3. Reduce your sugar consumption. It is not about eliminating sugar from your food, but avoiding foods added with sugar, such as canned juices or flavored yogurts; try to consume Greek yogurt and natural water. The US Department of Agriculture It makes a comparison between the content of sugar and calories of glass with orange juice and one of natural water, the first contains more than 100 calories and 20 grams of sugar, the water, zero, if you replace it with natural water, imagine how many calories reduce

4. Reduce stress. In an article published inForbes Magazine , mentions that cortisol is a hormone that we produce in moments of tension, stimulates the production of glucose and it stimulates the hunger response in the brain. If we reduce the levels of stress , we lower the levels of cortisol and therefore, our desire to consume foods with fat that accumulate in our abdomen.

5. Sleep well . It helps normalize cortisol levels, regulates circadian rhythms and has a profound impact on our metabolism and weight. Researchers of the University of Chicago They found that people who dieted and slept 8.5 hours lost more body fat, than those who only slept 5.5 hours.

Now that you know five ways to reduce abdominal fat, put them into practice, we invite you also to join a healthy lifestyle with our Plan + Life-Kilos

Video Medicine: Workouts for Women : How to Lose Belly Fat with Exercises (April 2024).