Weight training vs diabetes type 2

Make a Weight training On a regular basis it can reduce the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes by up to 34%, according to a new study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and the University of Southern Denmark researchers.

According to the investigation, 30 minutes of dumbbells , five times a week, reduces the risk of suffering up to 34%, but even, a training much less regular, with 20 minutes per day on average, you can reduce the risk by 12%, according to information from the medicalnewstoday.com portal

Also, if you combine a Weight training Y aerobic exercises , like brisk walking or run , you can reduce the risk even more: up to 59%.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the manager of Sport City NutritionRubén Lepe, explains more benefits of exercise with weights:

"This study provides clear evidence that the Weight training has beneficial effects on the risk of diabetes, aboveaerobic exercise , which is likely to be mediated by the increase muscle mass and insulin sensitivity, "explains Frank Hu, lead author of the study and professor of nutrition and epidemiology at HSPH.

Therefore, these results, published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicinesuggest that Weight training can serve as an alternative to aerobics to prevent type 2 diabetes, at least for now in men, but they have already begun to investigate whether it has the same effects in women.

It should be mentioned that type 2 diabetes is a public health problem worldwide that is increasing. It is estimated that 346 million people in the world suffer from it, and deaths related to this disease will double between 2005 and 2030, according to the World Health Organization.

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Video Medicine: Why Strength Training Helps Diabetes Management (May 2024).