10 tips vs boredom

The boredom On some occasions it can be unbearable. However, the state of lethargy also offers the possibility of putting your imagination and creativity to work. GetQoralHealth offers you 10 tips to...

13 women die a day from breast cancer

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a woman dies every 30 seconds somewhere in the world. breast cancer.Although there are no exact figures, it is estimated that in Mexico, 13 women...

12 steps to be happier

To have inner peace It is key to achieve success in life. By being calm, a better decision making is made; you think with the coldest head and consequently, you make less mistakes. In this regard,...

20 common things that prevent you from being happy

Do you feel that the world conspires against you? We are all responsible for our happinessIt is a matter of identifying and taking care of it, as well as leaving everything that makes us unhappy.We...

12 symptoms that reveal anxiety

The anxiety it is defined as "uncontrolled" fear of situations or things that do not have an explanation in themselves.This feeling of discomfort is accompanied by various symptoms, which we...

3% of Mexicans live with neuropathic pain

The neuropathic pain it is defined as a direct consequence of an injury or illness that affects the nervous system, which varies in intensity of pain.In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Rubén Darío...

Improve your performance and productivity

Celebrating an achievement, triumph or success has a great impact on our mental and emotional health, because the neurological changes is a person stimulated by a reinforcement positive, results in...

Introspection that heals

An image, song, smell or aroma evoke feelings of joy or sadness by experiences lived. The nostalgia it's a kind of sad happiness that makes you remember the joy of the past that hurts because the...

Beat the duel!

How to heal the past? Everyone, at some point in our life, we have gone through difficult times, where we believe that overcoming them will be complicated, but life continues and we can not stagnate,...


Yoga and meditation are great options to eliminate stress and emotions that overwhelm us, but often we do not have time to perform these activities.To improve our mood and mood, there are some super...

Do you resist change?

Each person has something of his personality that is not entirely pleasant, however, although he swears he will change that aspect, he never does, since he resists change, but why do not people...

Beat the excuses!

Today's society has taught us that everything has to be fast, so we grow up with the idea that slow things are a waste of time and we have stopped thinking about ourselves, which has encouraged us...

Reach your goals, science tells you how ...

"Luck is not born, it is created." The psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi He points out that the goal of every human being should be to build a meaningful life that allows him to enjoy it....

4 tips to take care of yourself

To take care of yourself, just like flowers you need to nourish yourself to live and prosper; in your case you need activities that help you to have a positive actitus, since this is the source of...

4 tips to avoid nervousness

If you are one of the people who get nervous before others and do not manage to say something right or act inappropriately, this article is addressed to you.According to some psychologists, you do...

4 tips to avoid feelings of guilt

The culpability It is considered as a feeling negative that arises before some fault that has been committed or is believed to have done. Through this feeling people become aware of their mistakes to...

4 tips to be tolerant

Have you felt that your feelings and thoughts get out of control after a problem or difficulty? The lack of tolerance can lead you to make decisions or see reality in a distorted way, a situation...

4 tips for a positive personality

Be positive is a attitude that makes the difference. When these exceed our skills, even the impossible becomes reality.A good one attitude makes it possible for us to be successful. It gives us the...

What put you in a good mood?

A good sense of humor positively modifies the brain and in addition to strengthening the body and is healthy, explainsto Dr. Natalia López, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at the...

5 benefits of spring

Spring came and with it the state of mind of people is transformed. In this season of the year, suddenly you feel more in love, improve your mood, you feel happier. However, physically you may feel...