
Yoga and meditation are great options to eliminate stress and emotions that overwhelm us, but often we do not have time to perform these activities.

To improve our mood and mood, there are some super simple tricks that help us get it, we invite you to know four ways to find peace of mind.


If you feel overwhelmed, a good sigh can help you release emotional or physical tension. When we focus on breathing, we have the power to relax our nervous system and thereby find the balance we need.

Home Sweet Home

They say that our home is where the heart is and also where we can find the tranquility we need. There is nothing that calms us like the comfort of the known. If you have had a difficult week, visit your parents' house. Relax your spirit next to the furniture of your childhood, special places and memories and find the peace you are looking for surrounded by the warmth of home.


Favorite cafe

Obviously caffeine in the evening is a bad idea, but inhaling the smell of coffee can help you release feelings of frustration. Visit your favorite coffee shop, order a tea and relax for a few minutes. There are studies where it was found that the smell of coffee reduces stress levels.


Paint everything blue

When you feel very stressed, visualize everything (or around you) in blue. The psychology of color associates this tone with the feeling of calmness. A little imagination can help you finish your day well.What do they do to feel calmer? Leave us your comments.

Video Medicine: Why Do We Sigh? (April 2024).