13 women die a day from breast cancer

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a woman dies every 30 seconds somewhere in the world. breast cancer .

Although there are no exact figures, it is estimated that in Mexico, 13 women lose their lives because of this disease on a daily basis. At a press conference, the doctor Yolanda Villasenor, head of radiology at the National Cancer Institute (INCAN), said that this type of Cancer represents a serious public health problem, since the costs for treatment are very high:

"Simply a single digital mammographer costs 500 thousand dollars. The real cost of a mammogram, without interpretation, is 500 pesos. "

In this sense, Villaseñor Navarro, indicated that it is necessary that women and men also have a culture to explore themselves. Let their breasts touch, even though the breast cancer in men it's little, it's also presented. "

Within the framework of International Day Against Breast Cancer which will be carried out on October 19, it is known that in Mexico, malignant breast tumors are diagnosed in advanced stage (phase four) and 46% of cases are women between 40 and 49 years of age.


Timely detection

The realization of mammography It is recommended after 40 years of age and depending on the results of the studies, it must be done annually or every two years.

Some of the risk factors for breast cancer, and that can influence so that mammography done before the age of 40, they are a family history of Cancer , to have overweight I obesity and take a sedentary life .

It should be noted that a company committed to the prevention and treatment of breast cancer is Carestream Health, which has high quality films for mammograms and through the initiative "Knowing is Key Mexico," people can obtain information on these issues.

"Conocer es Clave México" is a movement that provides information, discussion forums, testimonials and guidance that people can follow through social networks such as Facebook or Twitter.