Beat the duel!

How to heal the past ? Everyone, at some point in our life, we have gone through difficult times, where we believe that overcoming them will be complicated, but life continues and we can not stagnate, as the flow of time demands it.

Life leads us to live moments pleasant and full of joy, as well as moments of gloom and full of sadness. Every moment we live it according to how we have learned to face life.

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There are people who regret not knowing why it happens to them, there are others who stay stagnant and live the rest of their lives around that misfortune, while others, despite that difficult time, cry, learn and, in the end, they continue with their lives; not in the same way but wiser and more experienced.


Beat the duel!

Each one of us is experiences Arduous affect us in the depths of our being, both physically and emotionally. Throughout our lives we go through losses that involve a duel; before that, we have to deny it, get angry, cry and try to negotiate with ourselves.

Faced with the difficulty of facing reality, coupled with anger, the phase of trying to reach an agreement with oneself to understand the reason for living that situation arises; and at the end of that process, we can accept that, despite the pain, we can continue to enjoy life.

Many times when this type of experience happens, it is very difficult to face all these stages such as denial, sadness or depression, negotiation and acceptance, so there is the possibility that we get stuck in one of the stages, without reaching to acceptance.


The duels they are not easy to elaborate and they are not carried out in a short time; It is a long process which is taking place. The average time to elaborate is around six months, but it turns out to be something subjective, since each person is different and it is oneself who will be able to detect when that experience exceeds it.

The factors that can influence the way to face a difficult situation are many and can vary, depending on the situation, the person, the previous experiences that he has lived and how he has faced them.

There is a tip that I would like us to take into account during these processes; time heals almost everything, and if it does not happen as quickly as you would like, a psychotherapy could help you to face it and overcome it with the help of a specialist who can accompany you in those difficult moments.


Learn to heal the past!

To finish, these tips will help you to face the duel with greater ease and to heal the past, so that you enjoy a better quality of life and recover your happiness.

1. Do not stay locked up at home . Although most of the time you do not feel like resuming your daily life. Oblígate yourself to go out with friends, family and people with whom you feel comfortable; This helps to recover the meaning of life and gives you the energy to continue.

2. Talk about the loss . It helps you to accept it and take out all the good things, both memories and learnings, since everyone has a different point of view, and listening to it is sometimes productive in order to see the other side of the coin.

3. Eat well . Sometimes you do not give food enough importance, but one helps you have the energy to continue.

4. do exercise . You release stress, burn calories and release endorphins, which improves your mood to keep going.

All the experiences of your life always have two faces, both positive and negative. There is a saying that explains very well what I mean "to see the glass half full or half empty"; It depends a lot on our childhood and how we learned to see and handle situations.


Most of the things we learn as children we do by example, therefore it is very likely that you face these situations in the same way that your parents faced them.

This can generate that a situation from which you can learn and reflect, be lived as something totally negative, preventing you from seeing the other side. I recommend that in such a situation, look for the two sides of the problem, since it will be much easier to solve and face it. And you, how do you heal the past?

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