Warning symptoms:

When you hit a panic attack , you experience a untimely feeling of alertness, terror or intense discomfort , caused by a threatening situation .

The problem is that in most cases we do not know how to identify a panic attack , nor how to act or support a third, when we see that he is suffering one's.

According to Mayo Clinic specialists, the Signs of a panic attack are these:


Warning symptoms:

- Very strong and fast heartbeats

- Sweating

- Chest tightness

- Fear of death

- Trouble breathing

- Nausea

- Hot flashes

- Shaking chills

- Abdominal pain

- Dizziness

- Vertigo

- Numbness


Measures to help a person with panic attack:

- Keep calm and get closer.

- Ask him with a soft tone if he takes any medication. If so, give it to them.

- Ask him to tell you what he needs and, if possible, the cause of his condition.

- Make sure it is an attack and not an asthma or heart attack. This from the aforementioned symptoms.

- Give her her time if she does not want to talk, but do not leave her alone.

- Try not to move, but do not touch it, it could seek to escape or alter it more. If you want to stand or walk, accompany him.

- Let him know that the crisis will happen, but without judging what he feels.

- Give him encouragement, tell him that he is facing it well, that he can.

- Ask him to breathe, exhale and inhale and count his breaths out loud. This will regularize your breathing and help reduce the rest of the symptoms. You can have him alternate the breaths with a paper bag, just as if he were inflating a balloon.

- With your permission, apply a damp cloth on the forehead, neck and neck. So the sweat will go down.

- Stay with her until the attack passes, but from the first moment, seek medical help and, if necessary, ask for an ambulance.



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