Improve your performance and productivity

Celebrating an achievement, triumph or success has a great impact on our mental and emotional health, because the neurological changes is a person stimulated by a reinforcement positive , results in greater brain activity, compared to those who do not receive it, according to a study Department of Psychology at Harvard University.

In this sense, celebrating an achievement can not only drive us to greater actions, but also reinforces the behavior, the strategy and the same result when repeating the action, according to specialists.


Improve your performance and productivity

According to the researcher Teresa Amabile, specialist in creativity, productivity and happiness at Harvard To celebrate an achievement is part of the perspective of a "reward" that works both in personal and professional life. It is a "strategy of progress", which implies:

1. Good planning, perseverance and small victories help solve big social, business or personal challenges. Goals Measures that are resolved strengthen confidence and productivity, provide satisfaction and solve major problems, according to a psychologist Steven Kramer, published in Harvard Business Review.

2. Celebrating achievements in the workplace can have a major impact on future successes, because it drives a greater effort and draws a common path to improvement, in addition to always be successful to be recognized professionally.

3. If you recognize your own achievements, the motivation is even greater and the internal emotions of joy and well-being are triggered by the release of hormones such as endorphins, which cause happiness and rejoicing, according to the Professional coach, Susana García Gutiérrez .

Celebrating our own achievements gives us enough motivation to continue proposing new goals and objectives, in addition to renewing energies, improving the self esteem and promotes a more positive and constructive thinking.

Video Medicine: 15 Ways To Improve Productivity (April 2024).