Thyroid gland determines your complexion

Have you ever wondered why some people are obese or very thin if they have good eating habits? Maybe it's because they have problems in the thyroid gland , which is altered by an excess of iodine in the diet .

The specialists of Angeles Hospitals they assure that diseases of the thyroid gland they are very difficult to detect because their symptoms go unnoticed; however, they can impact the complexion of individuals and trigger overweight or extreme thinness.

The thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly and is located in the front of the trachea, and its task is to produce hormones that control the functioning of many bodily organs, of the muscular and nervous system, in the regulation of the temperature and in the growth of the human being.


Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

One of the main characteristics of the thyroid gland is that it contains iodine, a mineral necessary for the production of hormones, but its excess can trigger diseases known as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism .

The hyperthyroidism It occurs when the thyroid gland works more than necessary, which causes a decrease in weight bodily. To know more about the subject, the Doctor María Elena Sañudo explains the characteristics and symptoms of this disease :

Meanwhile, the hypothyroidism It is recorded when the thyroid gland works less than necessary, which causes an increase in weight , and sometimes, overweight , by the hormonal imbalance that the body experiences.

Both diseases of the thyroid gland are controlled with drugs, whose function is to decrease the production of hormones thyroid And you, do you know any person who has problems with the thyroid gland?

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Video Medicine: Symptoms of thyroid problems - look at your hands (April 2024).