Inculcate this habit!

Adults are not the only ones susceptible to negative day-to-day events. An investigation carried out by the Children's Hospital of the state of Chihuahua , says that the posttraumatic stress in infants has increased dramatically in recent years. Reason why the opportune diagnosis and the practice of physical-mental activities like yoga for children can avoid the psychological consequences.


In addition to reassuring her emotional state, yoga for children It allows to acquire a good body posture, balance, strength and flexibility that will help your child to develop more safely in his social environment


Inculcate this habit!

Exercise a child through yoga You can allow him to be a happy and full adult. Here the reasons.

1. Increase your intelligence. Yoga is effective to reduce the anxiety, emotion that feeds the distraction and lack of coordination in the classroom. For the assistant professor of occupational therapy in the New York University, Kristie Patten Koening , 17 minutes for five days a week are enough.

2. Raise your self-esteem. The ideal age for a child to begin practice yoga It is at 4 years old, since at that time the moment starts to be conscious of his body and mind, and can build a better conception of himself.

3. Eliminates fatigue. If your son suffers from Lack of sleep , be it due to excess energy or anxiety and nightmares, this practice will progressively reduce these problems, making insomnia a thing of the past.

The yoga, unlike other sports, it does not develop in an environment of competition and aggressiveness, but on the contrary; proposes cooperation among classmates and generates an environment of equity.


This is your opportunity

The Mexican Institute of Yoga celebrates the 11th adidas Yoga National Meeting, an annual event that brings together the national yogi community in Mexico. The appointment is from Friday 21 to Sunday 23 November at the Royal Pedregal Hotel in Mexico City.

If you want to be part of it and show your child all the benefits of yoga, the Mexican Institute of Yoga and GetQoralHealth has 10 double steps for you. Participates!

1. Be registered at www.GetQoralHealth and check it with an image capture of your computer.

2. Follow us on our social networks:Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Google +

3. Answer the following questions:

A) What are the benefits of yoga for children?

B) At what age can a child start yoga?

C) How many subscribers does GetQoralHealth have on their YouTube channel?                                      

4. Send your answers this November 21st from 12:30 to the mail: contact @ GetQoralHealth

5.  The name of the winners will appear on our social networks.

Remember that the promotion is only valid in Mexico City and Metropolitan Area. Good luck!

Video Medicine: 7 Tips To Become A Reader For Beginners | Develop a Reading Habit (April 2024).