Correct dose

Glutamine is an amino acid that is found naturally in the muscle, which takes care of it and protects it so that it recovers quickly. But, when this level goes down by training, the Excessive fatigue or problems to keep the muscle firm.

Athletes and athletes who undergo strenuous training need their glutamine levels to be optimal. You can suspect lack of glutamine When you feel excessive tiredness, lack of heart, lack of appetite, lethargy during the day and easy to get infections.


Correct dose

According Harrison Sport Nutrition , the exercise routine. Body weight and age determine the amount of glutamine that should be taken. The normal is one to two daily doses, which are 20 to 30 grams.  

The minimum value may be sufficient for an inactive person, who has muscle aches or excessive fatigue due to physical exhaustion. While the 30 grams, benefit more those who train intensely in the gym, for a marathon or a high performance sport.


How to ingest it?

Glutamine is sold as a powder supplement, it can be taken with or without food. It is usually mixed with juices or fruit juices, such as orange, grapefruit or pineapple.

There is also supplementation with capsules and tablets. All these supplements must be provided after medical consultation, to indicate the correct dose, because much depends on the activity that is practiced.

With good levels of glutamine, the muscle stays healthy, strong and prevents wear.

Video Medicine: FINDING THE RIGHT DOSE ON TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) (April 2024).