Natural remedies vs nicotine

The most effective way of give up smoking is to prepare to combat the symptoms associated with nicotine dependence . In this sense, many people experience anxiety , depression , wishes to eat sweet and lack of concentration .

Currently there are natural products for give up smoking that contain a unique combination of herbal ingredients Y minerals to assist in the management of these symptoms.

These remedies contain therapeutic doses of Hypericum and of Scuttelaria laterifolia , two herbs well known for their beneficial effects on the mood and nervous health of the system.

While Hypericum helps balance levels of serotonin at brain and to ensure the healthy functioning of nervous system whole, the Scuttelaria it acts as a tonic to nervous system and also prevents the insomnia and the Headaches associated with the withdrawal of nicotine .

Along with these two herbs very beneficial, it is also used Chromium Picolinate . The chrome is a mineral that occurs naturally and helps the body process the protein and the grease . It is also known to assist in the efficient use of insulin , in such a way that it helps the body maintain normal levels of sugar in the blood , as well as to prevent the longing for sugar often associated with the withdrawal of nicotine .

Avena sativa . It is an excellent restorative and nutritious tonic nerve which is also known to balance levels of cholesterol and prevents the insomnia , the depression and the anxiety . Recent studies have suggested that it is effective in reducing the longing for nicotine , balancing the levels of the chemicals in the brain involved in the addiction .

Gotu Cola or Centella asiatica . Clinical studies demonstrate their effectiveness in levels of concentration , memory and the systemic circulation . It also helps to promote mental clarity and to alleviate anxiety. Therefore, include this grass, as a natural remedy, it will help give up smoking and to stay cognitively superior to the addiction .