Caffeine vs depression

An investigation of the National Institutes of Health of North Carolina reveals that people who drink frequently diet sodas or artificially sweetened beverages , like juices, have a higher risk of presenting symptoms of depression.

Honglei Chen , principal author of this study that will be presented to the American Academy of Neurology , explains that the risk of presenting symptoms of depression in people who take 4 cans or glasses of sweetened beverages it increases up to 30%.

Also, according to, the research that lasted 10 years shows that people with such amount and frequency are 10% more likely to be diagnosed with depression, in comparisons with those who also drank coffee. Therefore, the consumption of coffee It was associated with a lower risk of suffering symptoms of depression.


Caffeine vs depression

To drink coffee every morning not only gives you more energy, but also can prevent depression, according to a study of the universities of Harvard and Columbia , U.S.

The results of the research show that women who drink 4 or more cups of coffee (without sugar) per day, they are 20% less likely to suffer symptoms of depression or a depressive disorder, compared to those who hardly drink this beverage.

Therefore, according to the investigation, the caffeine could be a candidate to be considered a natural antidepressant, which serves as a preventive agent against this mental illness, according to the site

Published in the magazine Archives of Internal Medicine, the study was conducted in more than 50 thousand women over 60 years, whose results reveal that the coffee It can have a therapeutic use thanks to its protective effect.

Although the physiological mechanism that gives this effect is still not known in detail, it should be mentioned that the caffeine It is the stimulant of the nervous system most used in the world, so it plans to continue studying its benefits against the symptoms of depression.

Video Medicine: Caffeine Allergy: Was Causing Me Depression & Fatigue (May 2024).