Better before then ...

Its appearance is related to age, but in recent times, the varicose veins or varicose veins tend to develop in younger and younger people. Cause of this is the current lifestyle. According to University of Chicago Medicine , inactivity (standing or sitting for a long time) increases the Pressure in the veins


Although men can also suffer from it, women are particularly prone to training varicose veins (they are 2 to 3 times more likely) due to the influence of progesterone in the veins and the effects of pregnancy.


Better before then ...

The varicose veins they are swollen veins because of an abnormal accumulation of blood produced by a weakness in the walls of the superficial veins; what makes them stretch and stretch. This aesthetic problem is easier to prevent than to solve it.

That's why we tell you 5 things you should not do if you want to avoid varicose veins.

1. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.  Natalia Ribé, specialist in Cosmetic Medicine and Skin Aging , says that you should sunbathe in a controlled manner. Using a very high sun protection factor (30 or preferably 50+), applying it continuously correctly (30 minutes before sun exposure).

2. Hot water baths or extra heat. The Professional Association of Physiotherapists of the Community of Madrid recommends ending the showers with cold water, performing a massage of the ankle to the thigh , and do not expose the legs to direct sunlight or any form of heat; example, hot wax or stay in saunas.

3. Low omega 3 diet . The foods that contain Omega 3 benefit the blood circulation since they reduce the thickness of it, according to researchers from the Library of Medicine of the United States, thus reducing the possibility of varicose veins .

4. No fiber. An investigation of the University of Maryland states that the bioflavonoids contained in wheat germinate can improve the blood circulation and alleviate swelling and the pain that is related to this problem.

5. Very tight clothes. In accordance with Aurora Garre , medical adviser, very tight clothing items are inadvisable because they can hinder venous return from the legs to the heart .

The most common vascular lesions are birthmarks, varicose veins, spider veins or capillaries. In accord with Natalia Ribé, This type of disease affects men, around 40%, and women, 60%, but it is the latter that are more concerned with eliminating this type of vascular lesions.

In addition to avoiding these actions, maintaining a balanced diet and physical activity can be key to avoiding varicose veins. Beware!

Video Medicine: Who Is Better? Carson Lueders Vs Meika Woollard (Before and After) Then And Now (April 2024).