He does not have time for you

Just as we feel disappointed by a love, it also happens with a friend, the one you both wanted and trusted, today you do not know if you will continue counting on her or not. Sometimes it's best to cut and cut end a friendship peacefully, everyone by his side.

These are some signs that will help you:


He does not have time for you


Balance is the key to any relationship, so if your friend does not insist on your well-being like you in his (or her), something is failing. If you are always the one initiating the conversations on Facebook or the one who has to propose the exits, perhaps the other person is not so interested.

If you're always busy, except when you need a favor, it's time to get away.


It does not support you

Part of the friendship is to have a person to whom you can tell everything. If you tell a problem and you notice that you do not pay attention or think it is silly, you may not consider that person your confidant. The feelings of your loved ones should always be a priority.


He is hypocritical

If they tell you that they speak badly behind your back, even if they face you well, it could be a sign of alert . This also applies to people who want to see you well, but never better than them. You do not want to be with someone who has the "one more than you" syndrome.


They have different values

If with time you were interested in defending human rights, or in any other cause, and your friend says that it is foolish it will be very difficult that they do not end up fighting every time they talk. You know how engaged You are with what you believe.


Emotionally abuses you

If your friend has a passive-aggressive behavior or flatly throws insults that really make you feel bad, reconsider continuing to spend time with her .. Friendship should make us feel better, not worse.

End a friendship It is not easy for anyone, reflect very well all situations before making a decision that you can regret later.


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