Pork and its myths

There are many myths about the benefits and harms of the consumption of pork, ranging from a supposedly high fat content, to its low contribution of nutrients. However, information published by the American Dietetic Association , this food provides the proteins that the body needs to keep healthy and strong body tissues.

According to data presented by the magazine Balance , pork helps build muscles without fat. Meanwhile, National Pork Board explains that "85 grams of lean pork provide the same amount of protein than a cup and a half of legumes, with half calories "Next, we present the main ones Myths about this food.

1.- It has a lot of fat: This is false, because 65% of the fat contained in the pig is removed during the cutting process. Of the remaining, 70% is polyunsaturated (of the good) and only 30% is saturated (the bad).

In addition, the amount of cholesterol in the pig it is equal to or less than in other meats; It is rich in linoleic acid , which neutralizes the negative effects of saturated fats.

2.- It does not provide nutritional benefits: It is a lie. Besides the protein , pork is rich in vitamins B1 and B3, essential for the operation of the heart and the nervous system , and to maintain skin in good state. Your dose of phosphorus strengthens the bones and generates energy in the cells .

Thanks to its potassium contribution, it is ideal for people suffering from high blood pressure.

3.- It transmits diseases: For many years it was believed that pork was the culprit of transmitting cysticercosis . However the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery notes that this condition does not arise from eating poorly cooked pork, but is the result of infections external or autoinfection (when you have the parasite and by the intestinal movements it reaches the stomach).

Currently the pig production units are subject to quality control programs, which ensure that the consumption of meat is completely safe.

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Video Medicine: coke + pork = maggots (Myth or Real?) (May 2024).