Laughter is the best natural analgesic

With a smile is not enough, it takes a laugh to release endorphins , which are chemical substances that act as analgesic natural, being this one of the most effective.

Researchers of the Oxford University they found that a laugh is related to the reduction of the sensation of pain .

In the study, which was published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the authors experimented for the first time with the threshold of pain in people.

According to information published by the portal of the BBC , the volunteers were divided into two groups: the first enjoyed humorous videos for 15 minutes, while the other saw more boring programs, such as golf games.

The people who had laughed out loud were able to resist the pain up to 10% more than before watching the videos. The scientists found that the other group was less able to withstand pain , after being 15 minutes in front of the TV without generating a minimum smile .

The theory of Robin Dunbar , a professor at the University of Oxford and who led the research, points out that the type of laughter is also important, because slight giggles or nervous did not cause any physiological effect; the laughter they were the only ones to do the work.

Dunbar's theory is that, in addition to appeasing the pain , the endorphins they can also make people more susceptible to forming bonds: "We spend a good deal of our time in conversations trying to laugh and provoke laughter."

What the scientists try to show is that the endorphins yes they are activated, and they seek to corroborate whether laughing really makes it easier for groups to come together, work better as a team and act more generously.

Video Medicine: Happiness, Happeace, Laughter, Energy, (April 2024).