If you are overweight, take care of your knees

Has it happened to you that you gain weight and your knees hurt? This has an explanation.

According to Dr. Eduardo Mateos, a graduate of the Western Medical Center in Guadalajara, the knee is "extremely susceptible to injury, especially for those who have extra pounds or have some deviation in their joints."

The knee is the largest joint in the human body, whose function is to maintain and maintain the upright position of the body.

More frequent in women

The investigations of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation , point out that women have five times more risk than men to develop problems in the knees.

The reasons are that hormonal changes weaken the ligaments of the knees. This, coupled with poor physical activity in this area of ​​the body, prevents them from strengthening, as do muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Discover if your knees are damaged

Some of the signs that can help you identify if you have problems with the knees are:

1. Experience a pain, from severe to intense, that prevents you from moving naturally.

2. Upset in this area, accompanied by a 'snap'.

3. Inflammation, without any apparent cause.

If you have frequent knee pain, remember to go with an orthopedist and do not forget to do some low impact physical activity such as yoga, pilates or swimming.

According to the experts, an exercise recommended to relax the knees is that you lie on your stomach with your legs stretched out; Flex each knee five times, so that all your legs, muscles and nerves are relaxed.

Do it every day and you will notice the difference.