Stuffed tomatoes

Scientists of the University of Eastern Finland They reveal that the tomato prevents strokes, due to its high content of lycopene, a chemical compound responsible for the bright red color of this food.

The study, published in the magazine Neurology, detailed that they take a diet rich in tomatoes and that they register a high level of lycopene in the blood they have 59% less risk of suffering strokes.

According to information published in the BBC , lycopene has a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer, thanks to its antioxidant properties.

The doctor Jouni Karppi , director of the research, ensures that the results support the evidence that consuming more than five servings of fruits and vegetables a day improves the health of people. Therefore, we share this recipe of the Mexican Diabetes Federation .


Stuffed tomatoes

Ingredients for six servings

  1. Six pieces of large tomatoes
  2. 200 grams of soybean sprouts
  3. A piece of grated carrot
  4. A cup of chopped celery
  5. Half a cup of diced turkey ham in cubes (6 slices)
  6. A small onion cut into cubes
  7. Two spoons of olive oil
  8. Two tablespoons of vinegar (to taste)
  9. Oregano to taste
  10. Salt

Cut the top of the tomatoes and remove the pulp with a spoon.

Place the soybean germinate in a bowl together with the carrot, celery, ham, onion; Season with salt, oil, vinegar and oregano and mix well.

Fill the tomatoes with the mixture, you can add a bit of grated panela cheese and sprinkle some oregano. Garnish with parsley or basil leaves. And you, how do you protect your brain from strokes? If you want to know more information about brain foods, click here.

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Video Medicine: In the Kitchen with Ken: Stuffed Tomatoes (April 2024).