Natural healing gel?

Students of the National Polytechnic Institute They developed a peel-off mask, with which they seek to improve the healing process of the epidermis that has suffered some type of superficial wound injury.

Through a research project in charge of students of the Center for Scientific and Technological Studies Miguel Othón de Mendizaba l called Quimaci , based on the use of natural and friendly products with the environment, the students developed a treatment capable of accelerating and helping the healing process of the skin.

Among the characteristics that this natural product contains, is offering a solution to the treatment of poor healing that some people have for innate genetic reasons.

The normal healing processes , they are formed in the first 10 days after the injury, have a coloration, a relief and a uniform texture, and have no problems so that the skin is repaired completely.

However, there is another group of epidermal scars that present problems to the patient, because if they are not properly treated, the result is poorly repaired and unsightly skin. These are called hypertrophic and keloid.

The hypertrophic ones are generated by a greater production of cells, as well as elastin, collagen and proteoglycans. On the other hand, keloids are scars that exceed the limits of the wound and tend to be pink and with irregular edges.

Professors Eduardo Javier Castañón Hernández and María Patricia Hernández Marín, research advisors, point out that this is where the peel-off mask can make a difference. When applied to the damaged area, the product solidifies in the form of a plastic plate, which allows the removal of dead cells. During the drying time, the occlusive effect of the mask allows the stratum corneum to humidify and soften, which favors the penetration of the active principle of Quimaci.

The Quimaci comes from a technology in which chitosan, which is a high molecular weight polysaccharide, is extracted from the shell of some invertebrate animals such as mollusks, insects and arachnids.

The peel-off mask can only be acquired in its gel presentation, which when applied to the skin helps healing process of wounds on the face and other parts of the body.

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