Forget about the inflammation

In Mexico, 20% of the population suffers from irritable bowel syndrome which, among other symptoms, causes abdominal swelling. This uncomfortable condition can be prevented and relieved with juices for reduce inflammation the belly because they improve the functioning of the intestine.

At video , Deyanira Cano presents the recipe to prepare a juice that will make you feel good, get rid of the inflammation and achieve a flat stomach.


Forget about the inflammation

Perhaps you have noticed that the vast majority of your acquaintances have ever experienced the sensation of being inflamed in their stomach. Especially in women inflammation is more than an occasional discomfort.

According to the NHS Sanitary Board of England, to relieve the symptoms of abdominal swelling It is convenient to reduce foods with excess fats. Certain drinks such as tea of mint or those enriched with probiotics they are effective

The Medical Center of the University of Maryland , explains how he prepares infusion of tea mint .


Boil a cup of water with a spoonful of dried mint leaves for 10 minutes. Then, strain and let it cool. It is recommended to drink it four or five times a day, or before each meal. "

The Water of kefir , has a protective effect of the intestinal flora, which is recommended to consume to reduce belly inflammation.


In a glass or plastic container (not metal) empty a liter of water and three tablespoons of kefir. Cover the container and let it sit for 12 to 36 hours. Then, strain the liquid. "

In addition to drinks to reduce your belly, walk every day, at least 15 minutes and reduce the stress , they will make you feel better.

Video Medicine: Forget Cholesterol, Inflammation's the Real Enemy - (April 2024).