Do you share or survive your hobby?

Having a soccer fan like any other sport is not a simple matter of coping, even more if you do not share that pleasure; But, how can we ensure that this does not affect or damage the relationship?

According to the survey conducted by Consulta Mitofsky , 52, 9% of Mexicans like to see, play or be aware of topics related to soccer; However, this is not so bad.

For Lucy María Reidl Martínez, director of the School of Psychology (FP) of the UNAM, This sport opens a door to establish positive communication relationships and enjoy free time in the relationship.

If you want to successfully overcome the passion of a football fan, and survive the classic, Cruz Azul vs. America, which will be held on May 23, GetQoralHealth , with information from the expert Miguel Angel Núñez, we present you four tips:

1. Understand that a sporting event is a passenger, what should be assured is the quality of the long-term relationship.

2. Put aside attitudes of intolerance that do not help.

3. Procure other types of activities so as not to depend on the couple. Sometimes, some people reveal that they are codependents.

4. Leave aside attitudes of bad coexistence; example, uncomfortable gestures, teasing or other actions, which in the context of a distraction can be misinterpreted.

The fact that he is fond of soccer does not mean that you are in his life in second place or that he does not want you less at the time of a match. You must fit that is a taste, something that is external to the relationship.

Remember, respect and understanding are essential for your relationship to work. Do not forget!


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