What other mysteries are there in flirting?

Not only attracts the opposite sex, the flirting is the biological mechanism through which you can choose and know which partner is willing to commit, affirms the neuroscientist Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht.

However, rarely do people realize flirting. To be more specific, 7 out of 10 men do not detect these Signs of seduction , in the case of women, the percentage is greater than 8 out of 10, reveals a study of the University of Kansas.


What other mysteries are there in flirting?

1. Different types? Yes. According to the University of Kansas There are 5 different types of flirting: traditional, physical, sincere, playful, and polite. 25% of all this action falls into the category of playful, 30% is intended to attract Sincerely to a partner.

2. Your name influences. Women are unconsciously more attractive when their name contains vowels "with curves", that is, "a" or "o". With men the opposite happens: the most attractive are those with first names that contain the "e" and the "i", says a study of the MIT Institute.

3. Touching is not always flirting. There are three types of contacts: friendly (pushing the shoulder or squeezing the hands), plausible denial (caressing the waist or shoulder), definitive (touching the face).

4. Domination, success strategy for men . Those who direct shorter looks, but instead place their arm on the back of the chair of the woman they wish to conquer, or gently hold on to their arm or waist is more likely to conquer, says a study by the Webster University.

5. You burn calories . Eye contact during flirting can help you eliminate 11 kilocalories, in the case of women, if you are a man this figure is reduced to 3. It indicates a study of the University of Bogotá in Colombia.

There are two elements of flirting that are universal: the smile and the look, both must be spontaneous to have a true seduction effect. Do you try?