Start over

The birth of a child with disabilities is equivalent to experiencing a loss for parents, explains the psychologist Hans Olvera, researcher at the Universidad Iberoamericana .

This is because they had the hope of having a healthy child and in this situation it is common for them to feel guilty, to blame the other or their family heritage for this reality.

From this point it is understandable that the person who lives does not fully accept the boy, even though he is the least responsible and deserves the love and the same opportunities as any other child.

However, leaving it without the protection offered by feeling loved and accepted, runs the risk of placing it adrift before the eyes of others.

If your own parents do not provide you with security, emotional and moral support, it will be very easy for some people around you to abuse that condition and turn you into a victim of any type of abuse.


Start over

For a dad or a mom who lives it, it is not easy to detect the unusual behavior they have towards their son, sometimes they do not even have to say a single word, but it is the nonverbal language that acts, like the tones of voice, gestures, the look, the way of breathing, postures and other body movements, which are usually more explicit, natural and full of truth.

This arises from the unconscious and remains completely beyond the control of the person, that is why its impact is greater, because they show the truth in all its splendor, for better or for worse.

And it's not about denying the feeling, explains Martha Alicia Chávez, psychologist and author of the book Your son, your mirror , of Editorial Grijalbo, but of recognizing it, which does not translate into having to tell everyone, "it is a personal process.

It hurts and embarrasses, but it is the truth and it is also true that when you recognize it, you face it and work with it. Your feeling of rejection towards your child can change drastically.

The specialist recommends as a priority the search for psychological support, in order to completely overcome this problem; as well as the performance of an exercise that has therapeutic purposes that consists of preparing a letter, which obviously will never be given to the child, but which will give the father the opportunity to express his feelings towards him, allowing himself to vent.

Subsequently, you must read it in voice to connect with them. Once the exercise has been done, it is appropriate to burn it.

When it is understood that all people have something valuable that is not only reflected in the physical, in the intellectual or in those characteristics to which each one gives added value, but in the opportunity to accept differences without fear, with open mind and heart

"The principle of patience begins with oneself"

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Video Medicine: "Start Over" - FLAME feat. NF - Official Video (April 2024).