Andropause reduces sexual desire

The andropause is presented by an annual decrease of 1.2% in the levels of testosterone in blood , a hormone necessary to carry out diverse physiological functions, but that in low concentrations can accelerate the development of some diseases. Men older than 40 can develop it.

Although there is still a lot of information about the andropause (also known as male climacteric), nowadays it is known that this syndrome is characterized by the decrease in sexual desire , the quality of erections flaccidity penis .

Also for the emotional and character changes, accompanied by reduction of intellectual activity, orientation, muscle mass, body hair and bone density, as well as fatigue , depression and increase in grease visceral. These manifestations do not occur at the same time and may be of varying intensity.

In addition, the majority of affected men suffer a gradual decrease in a significant number of physiological functions and activity, so that more energy expenditure is required to reach the same results as at 30 years.


Symptoms of andropause

Some patients have excess sweating, suffocation, palpitations and diseases cardiovascular diseases, as well as alterations in: liver, lipid profile, erythropoiesis (formation of red blood cells in the blood), prostate, dream , behavior and in emotional states; however, their manifestations are not as severe as in women when they go through the menopause .

In the presence of any of these symptoms, men should visit the specialist to monitor androgenic deficiency at maturity, because some of them will require the administration of androgens, in addition to other medications, in case of presenting any disease .

Experts indicate that while the andropause It is very slow and not very aggressive, it requires more information and increase the awareness of men about its importance, in order to reduce the risk of consequences, especially chronic diseases.

This will facilitate and increase the quality of life of elderly men and train them to remain productive, which will contribute to their well-being and that of their family.

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Video Medicine: How to Manage Andropause Symptoms Naturally | Male Menopause & Estrogen Dominance Natural Treatment (April 2024).