Vaginal infections increase on vacation

No doubt vacations are expected by many to rest and have fun with friends and family; however, spring is the time of year when the frequency of gynecological infections increases.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth with the gynecologist Angélica Illescas, reveals that some of the reasons are the excess heat that causes sweating, the possibility of traveling to pools and beaches, as well as using the Swimwear wet for many hours; This can generate various bacteria and fungi.

"The most frequent symptoms are a burning sensation, a yellowish or greenish white flow and sometimes the presence of a mild or moderate pain in the abdomen (similar to a colic )".

Although there are very varied infections in women, the most common are vulvovaginitis , which may be caused by germs or because the vaginitis .

Many of these infections are asymptomatic, hence the importance of going every six months to the gynecologist to make a study in time cytological .

Among the cases of genital infections mushrooms are first, as are the Candid and the Trichomanas , that are generated by perspiration, contagion in swimming pools and in the sand of beaches, lack of proper hygiene or use of wet nylon clothing.

According to the doctor Illescas, the best way to prevent this type of infection is to reduce the risk factors: Do not go to swimming pools and unsanitary beaches; Do not wear wet clothes for a long time, do not sit on the sand but on a tarp or seat, etc.

We know that this can contribute to you feeling uncomfortable and that your well-being is put at risk. In particular, your intimate area, which is exposed to these factors, may suffer alterations in its pH , causing discomfort such as irritation, itching and even some infection.

So that this does not happen to you, it is recommended that every day you bathe your intimate area with a shampoo that protects you. Also, try not to use very tight clothes and avoid the use of bar soaps.