There are ways to reduce stress

Despite its negative connotation, for science the stress it is a process that helps us communicate and respond to our environment; Most people when we go through this state look for things we can do to calm the stress and feel better.

The stress it is defined as a process that involves biological, psychological and sociocultural aspects. Some of its main symptoms are: sweating, prolonged heart palpitations, cardiovascular problems And till depression . You feel identified?

There are ways to reduce stress

According to the American Psychological Association When these processes exceed the limits of endurance in people, collateral effects are generated in the organism , where our health may be at risk.

That's why in GetQoralHealth we list 7 things we can do to calm the stress

1.- Exercise. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend a minimum of between 100 and 250 minutes of cardiovascular exercise , starting from moderate to high intensity each week (fast walking, cycling or jogging)

2.- Take a break from the news. Although it is necessary to keep us informed, obsessively following the latest news about a tragedy increases our apprehension. Short breaks can help reduce the stress , without affecting our capacity for empathy.

3.- Control what can be controlled. There are daily routines that we can and should continue. It is useful to maintain our plans and routines so that we do not constantly think about a real or possible tragic event.

4.- Observe healthy behaviors. Eat healthy food , perform exercises regular activities such as walking and taking time to rest improves the physical well-being , which helps emotional health and can increase the ability to face stressful situations.

5.- Keep things in perspective. Even after events of anguish, like an earthquake, with its consequences of damage and loss, it is a healthy attitude to concentrate on the good things in life. It is positive to maintain the perseverance and confidence in our abilities to overcome the challenges.

6.- Find a productive way to help. Contributing or doing voluntary work is a positive action that helps find meaning in difficult times.

7.- Strive to have a positive perspective. Many people who have gone through some tragedy discover that persevering in overcoming their difficulties brings them growth in some aspect.

Just keep in mind that on many occasions you may not be aware of your state of stress , so maybe you should ask someone you trust to let you know if you notice disturbing changes in your attitude.

Video Medicine: How to Stop Stress in 90 Seconds (April 2024).