Do not let him do ...

Through them we can express love, trust, understanding and tranquility, but why is it important hug everyday? It is possible that this simple contact has benefits for physical and emotional health. Discover it!

A study of Duke University in the United States suggests that hugs are essential for life. In the investigation, the effect of the physical contact in babies, and it was found that the absence of this act can contribute to the death of neurons and deficiency in the production of the growth hormone.


Do not let him do ...

However, why would it be good to give Hugs of daily? Here we tell you some of its benefits according to science.

1. It makes you feel good. When you hug someone oxytocin (also known as the hormone of love) is released, making you feel good. The oxytocin is a neuropeptide, which basically promotes feelings of devotion, trust and the union so says the psychologist at DePauw University, Matt Hertenstein.

2. Blood pressure. When someone touches you, the sensation on the skin activates the pressure receptors called Pacini's corpuscles, that then send signals to the vagus nerve, an area of brain which is responsible for arterial reduction.

3. Relieve fear. A study published by the magazine Psychological Science notes that hugs significantly reduce worry and helps calm down, as it offers comfort and peace of mind.

4. Take care of your heart . According to an investigation of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, People who do not have a physical contact (hug) develop a heart rate of 10 beats per minute compared to those who experience this expression more frequently.

5. It improves the health in general. A study of Ohio State University indicates that the older you are, the more fragile you physically are, but that arms It can improve this situation as it makes us feel accompanied and loved what strengthens the body.

The benefits of hugs are important for health, so you have no excuse for not doing it. Show your affection!