The order of factors alters sexuality

The order of birth, being the sister or older brother, minor or "sandwich", can be a factor of importance in the sexual compatibility with your partner.

The position you held in your family can reveal the type of personality you have developed. If you were the first born, you probably have a controlling and leadership attitude, which be bossy and dynamic. A good partner for this type of woman or man could be a person in need of protection.

A couple that has grown up in the same order of birth, as first-born could experience rank conflicts, since both have grown in the role of being in charge of others and are comfortable having the control of decisions.

William Cane, author of the book "The Art of Kissing" examines based on the analysis of personality, our abilities and weaknesses, based on the genealogical order what we did while we grew up. There are more than 12 different orders, ranging from being twin, adopted, buddy, among others.

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Video Medicine: Ep 3 - What causes sexual orientation? (April 2024).