Teeth care in people with diabetes

The diabetes It can cause infections in the gums and bones that support the teeth, which could lead to the loss of various teeth. Like all infections, those of the gums can cause blood sugar levels to rise and without treatment the teeth can loosen and fall.

People with diabetes They have more frequent problems of teeth and gums if they maintain high concentrations of glucose in the blood, because the bacteria that accumulate in the mouth grow. This situation worsens if the patient is older than 45 and smokes.

The periodontitis it is an infection in the gums and in the bone that holds the teeth in place. This is common among people with diabetes. If the infection gets worse, the gums can be separated from the tooth and the tooth looks longer.

Symptoms of periodontitis

1. Gums red, sore and swollen.

2. Gums that bleed.

3. Gums that separate from the teeth.

4. Loose or sensitive teeth.

5. Bad breath.

6. The bite feels different.

7. If you wear false teeth, it does not fit well.


Prevention in teeth and gums

1. Visit to the dentist, at least twice a year; You must have a periodic record, especially if you live with diabetes.

2. Brush teeth after each food.

3. Use a soft bristle brush and perform the cleaning with circular movements.

4. Floss at least twice a day.

5. If dentures are used, you should keep them clean.

6. Give up smoking.

Video Medicine: Can cleaning your teeth protect against diabetes and heart disease? (April 2024).