We are your worst enemies ...

Walking to work, taking the dog to run or simply go shopping are habits, that poorly made or wearing the wrong footwear can damage our feet.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the chiropractor and physical rehabilitator of the New Life Clinic, Daniel Chumacero Jiménez , indicates that it can be considered as a standing injury to anything that produce pain, inflammation, limitation in the arcs of movement and, therefore, decrease in the quality of life of the person. This can be derived from injuries and metabolic processes of the organism.


We are your worst enemies ...

For the expert Chumacero, the most frequent foot injuries are those caused by sprains, strains of one to two degrees, plantar fasicitis; which is the inflammation of the musculature of the sole of the foot, and which can generate so intense pains that make it impossible for people to perform their daily actions. Many of these injuries to the feet come from bad habits of life, and Chumacero tells you 5 of them. Discover them!

1. Use of inappropriate shoes. In essence, just wearing shoes already goes against the anatomy of the foot, since it contracts and limits movement, causing certain muscular areas to become tense. Remember, a bad footwear is one that does not have support to the arch or the heel, besides that it is too hard; the fingers must move freely.

2. About use of the limb. High performance sports such as athletics can cause pain.

3. Running on the street . The hardness of the pavement can generate injuries if a previous warm-up is not carried out.

4. A diet low in calcium .

According to the expert, the consequences of these foot injuries can go beyond the pain; In severe cases, shortening of the muscle can occur and prolonged loss of movement. To avoid this, the specialist recommends the following:

1. Recognize when the body is telling us that something is wrong.
2. Immerse the feet in water and add to this one teaspoon of salt and little vinegar.
3. Massage with rollers. For this you can freeze a bottle with water.
4. Stretch your feet with a towel. Place it on the foot silver and pull it up.

If an injury does not heal in less than 15 days, it can be chronic. That is why you should go with a specialist. Remember that your health is in your hands.

Video Medicine: Overcoming your own worst enemy...you | Kent Grosswiler | TEDxYearlingRoad (April 2024).