Ready to rediscover love?

If you have had the sad experience of ending a relationship in which you had bet and finally left disappointed, it is very possible that you have spent a season shouting to the winds that love does not exist and that you would never trust anyone again; but, has the time come to back love ?

Fortunately, all wounds heal and the need to fall in love again beats around you. If you are at this point it is convenient for you to make a fair analysis of how your heart is to receive love, do you dare to answer this test and find out if you are ready to back love ?

1.- You have just met a man who does not stick at all to the idea you have of a couple, but he is kind to you and has asked you to be his girlfriend, what do you do?

to) I am clear and I say that I prefer that we continue knowing, maybe in the process love may arise.

b) Immediately I move away and do not give opportunity to talk about the subject again. Obviously, I do not see it again.

c) I accept nothing else in what emerges a better opportunity and as soon as it happens I will say goodbye.

2.- What is your opinion about love?

to) That is a privilege, that's why you have to take care of it very well when it arrives.

b) Yes it exists, but apparently, it will never happen to me.

c) I think it's something temporary, so you better have fun and take the issue lightly.

3.- Usually, after a breakup of a couple, how much time do you miss before you get back to being related to someone?

to) It took me a reasonable period of time to recognize what the failures were, what responsibility I have to take on and to ease my heart.

b) Years pass without me being related to a man, and I close all possibilities to it.

c) Like the Hollywood stars, I'm barely saying goodbye to the previous one and I already have my next prospect in mind.

4.- After the bad experience that you had to live in the romantic plane, how do you think behaving with a future partner?

to) With caution, but very willing to love and let me also love.

b) I will definitely not trust myself and before I get hurt, I will.

c) I'm just going to live the moment, without making any sentimental commitment.

5.- Why do you want to fall in love again?

to) It is the best state in which a person can be, I have much to give and I deserve to be loved.

b) I'm not sure I want it to happen to me, it's almost impossible to find someone who is honest and committed.

c) To have with whom to entertain me, to consent and not spend the weekends with nothing to do.

Majority of A . You are very ready to throw yourself into the ring. Any negative situation that you have experienced, is already overcome, you knew how to win despite adversity and now you have very clear the type of love you want to have, as well as the willingness to surrender without fear or resentment.

Be patient, that the best is yet to come, for now you are in a position to give and receive with maturity and wisdom.

Most of B. Urgent that you stop living in the character of a woman resentful of love and the ideal victim of suffering. Inside you live as a victim of the situation and therefore you have not given yourself the opportunity to analyze that relationship you had, the reasons why it ended, recognize what you have to learn, forgive and forgive yourself.

Conscientiously do this exercise so that you can recognize that love is also for you, just like any special guest, you need to receive it with your best emotional level.

Majority of C . Recognize it, you could hold the title of 'avenger of love'. What happened to you fortunately has already happened and what is better, there will always be valuable men around you, but you need to open the eyes of the heart to be able to discover them. If you insist on putting your foot playing with every male you go through, you run the risk of doing the same with you and of course, reconciliation with love will be very far.

Learn to discover the transience of everything that surrounds us: pain and happiness are transient, so we must focus on the moment, enjoy and learn to find balance.

"Prudence empowers your words."