Fever an organism alarm

It is a mechanism of emergency . Fever is the increase in temperature of the body in response to some disease or suffering . Fever activates the body's defense system to make more white blood cells, antibodies and other agents that fight infections.Never ignore it , it can be the difference between life and death!

According to researchers from the School of Medicine at the University of Washington (United States), a child has a fever when his temperature is at or above these levels: 38 degrees Celsius (rectal measurement), 37.5 (oral measurement) and 37.2 (axillary measurement). An adult probably has a fever when it is above 37.2 - 37.5 degrees Celsius, depending on the time of day. Normal body temperature may change during the day, although it is usually higher at night. On the other hand, it is quite common that during the second part of a woman's menstrual cycle, her temperature rises by one degree or more. Factors such as physical activity, strong emotions, copious meals, wearing thick clothes, taking certain medications, or living in hot places with high humidity, can increase body temperature.


Defending the body against infections

Almost any infection can cause fever. And although this seems to us a sign that a battle could be developing within the organism, the fever is fighting in favor of the person and not against them. Most bacteria and viruses that cause infections thrive best at normal body temperature. In the case of minors, many babies and children have high fever with minor viral diseases or may have a low fever for one or two days after receiving certain vaccines. Teething can also cause a slight increase in a baby's temperature.

Older people who suffer from certain inflammatory or autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus or ulcerative colitis may feel that fever rises in the body. Certain medications such as antibiotics, antihistamines and anticonvulsants can also cause fever.

Home care

Sometimes, a simple cold or other viral infection can cause a fever. This does not mean that you or your child has a serious problem. If the fever is mild and you do not have any other problem, you do not need treatment. Just drink fluids and rest. Never self-medicate or give medicines to children without having consulted the doctor.