Seizures in children

Around 10% of the cases attended by departments and services of emergencies , correspond to problems or accidents in which symptoms such as seizures , especially in the case of children, who do not necessarily have a declared condition epileptic .

A convulsion corresponds to the physical findings or changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain .

Although the term "Epileptic crisis "is often used interchangeably with convulsion , these last ones appear when the body of a person shakes of fast and uncontrollable way, but they appear a single time, in general.

During the seizures , the muscles of the person contract and relax repetitively. These involuntary and violent contractions are caused by a failure in the functioning of the brain .

Among the most frequent causes of seizures in a child s are: fever high, infections in the respiratory tract , digestive and of ear , blows to the head , poisoning by drug or other substances, and neurological problems.

Symptoms may stop after a few seconds or minutes or continue for 15 minutes. Rarely do they last longer; however, some warning signs may be presented before the attack, such as: fear or anxiety , sickness , Vertigo and visual symptoms (such as bright, twinkling lights, spots, or wavy lines in front of the eyes).

All infantile convulsion You should receive attention through these steps:

1. Although the situation may be dramatic, act calmly and try to pay attention to how long it lasts.

2. To prevent accidental injuries, lay down boy on a soft surface free of objects. If you have no other recourse but to use the floor, move tables and chairs to avoid hitting while the crisis lasts.

To know what to do with the convulsion of a child , in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of bbmundo, where the specialist in first aid , Felipe Hernández, guides you in this regard:

Most crises subside after 15 minutes. Only at the end of it should be transferred to the pediatrician or to the service of emergencies , since you can cause an injury if you do it while presenting it.

After a crisis the boy is exhausted; for this reason, there is no point in trying to keep him awake at all costs and there must be no anguish if there is no adequate response to the stimuli of the environment. He should be left sleep .

Video Medicine: What is a seizure? (April 2024).