90% of cases of fibromyalgia are suffered by women

Fibromyalgia is a Frequent rheumatic disease that has to do with emotional disturbances, mainly with the stress that disability can cause in the person who suffers it.

"It is a disease that occurs to a greater extent in women, but does not make it exclusive, men can also suffer. Women They occupy almost 90% of the cases and the rest of the men, however, depends very much on the type of personality in question, "says Dr. Claudia Hernández, a rheumatologist at the General Hospital of Mexico.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Blanca Gutiérrez, gives us some recommendations to improve the quality of life, based on your experience as a patient diagnosed with fibromyalgia:

There are no specific causes that activate the disease, but it is known that the situations of stress of any kind, labor, emotional, economic, family problems trigger it. What causes patients to begin to feel fatigue, generalized pain, muscle stiffness that can last 24 hours a day and "feel stiff."

"Fibromyalgia is accompanied by sleep disturbances (non-restorative sleep and insomnia) or gastrointestinal alterations ", indicates the specialist of the gastroenterology unit

There are no conclusive studies that indicate that fibromyalgia can have a genetic predisposition. Dr. Hernandez notes that "Psychological factors and personality type, is not a psychiatric illness may be accompanied by psychological illnesses, such as depressive syndrome, but as an accompanying symptom."

The diagnosis consists of a clinical interrogation which seeks criteria defined in the concept of fibromyalgia and the search for some specific points that coincide with the condition.

Video Medicine: Healthy Eating and Fibromyalgia (April 2024).