1. Earthquakes

There are several things that detect pets and that maybe you do not get to perceive, however, this sensory capacity of animals is a great tool to prevent risks and diseases.

A study published by the American Heart Association , indicates that pets can reduce the risk of suffering from a heart disease., since the physical activity that is generated when walking them is the optimum of each day.

In addition to these benefits, there are things that have been discovered that detect pets and that help your health:


1. Earthquakes

Still it is not possible to verify if it is due to its hearing or sensorial capacity, but the dogs and cats detect when it is on the verge of beginning an earthquake, reason why immediately they look for a refuge and alert of the situation.


2. Cancer

There are stories of people suffering from cancer, whose dogs sniffed parts of their body where tumors or cancer cells were found before they were detected.

Video Medicine: 1/01/2019 -- Multiple Earthquake forecast location hits -- Pacific large quake possible M8.0? (May 2024).