Increased cases of eating disorders in men

The cases of eating disorders in mens have increased alarmingly in recent years. Only in Mexico the percentage from the year 2000 to date increased from 5% to 15%, compared to the 6 million people suffering from anorexia or bulimia in this country (women and men), revealed data from the Ellen West Foundation .

This trend is not unique to Mexico; in England , the number of hospitalizations for eating disorders increased by 66% during this decade. The increase has been such that in the UK, In fact, a new term has been created to describe anorexia - one of these diseases - that affects men: manorexia .

However, it is difficult to diagnose these conditions in males, since the methods are predominantly focused on women . If you add to this that they hardly seek help for this type of problem, it makes the attention much smaller.

When a man comes to seek help, he is most likely diagnosed with depression, and as a consequence, does not receive adequate attention to eating disorders.

Video Medicine: It's Time to Talk About It: The Brain and Eating Disorders (April 2024).