7 tips vs acne

The acne it is a condition cutaneous caused by the excess activity of the sebaceous glands , which lubricate the skin and the hair . The excess sebum production is combined with the dead cells on the surface of the skin can obstruct pores , causing spots.

Sometimes these outbreaks appear for no particular reason or at least we think so. Some others, without realizing it, help our skin to produce mud Y pimples . Therefore, we give you some tips to prevent and combat it:

1. Try not to touch your face during the day . The hands accumulate many bacteria Y microorganisms If you touch your face you will be infecting her.2. Change the lining of your pillow . It prevents the grease of your skin, which accumulates on the pillow, contaminates your skin .3. Clean your face . If you do exercises or you sweat a lot for some reason, always clean it with a clean towel.4. Unscrew yourself before going to bed. When you buy makeup , choose those products in whose label or wrapper they are "non-comedogenic" or "non-acnegenic". Pull the makeup old that smells or looks different than when you bought it, and make sure your sponges and brushes are clean.

5. Do not break the beans , you can push infected material into deeper layers of the skin , causing more inflammation and redness and even making you wounds that can leave you small scars permanent6. Keep your hair clean . Avoid getting in contact with the face so that the grease and the dirt that it contains does not obstruct you even more pores .7. Body. If you have acne, Avoid wearing tight clothes because they cause irritation and do not let you breathe skin adequately. Scarves, ribbons for hair and hats also tend to accumulate grease and dirt.

It is important to wash face only twice a day (no more), with warm water and a mild soap manufactured specifically for people with acne .

Gently massage the face describing circular movements. Do not rub it. After cleaning it is recommended to apply a lotion containing benzoyl peroxide , which reduces the grease Y bacteria .

If you consider that your problem of acne it gets worse, a dermatologist can guide you and help you find the most appropriate treatment for you, as well as give you useful tips to control it and take care of your type of skin .  

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Video Medicine: How to Treat Different Types of Acne (April 2024).