Alcohorexia is a fashionable eating disorder

The alcohorexia , a eating disorder very fashionable among women under 30 years old that combines anorexy with the alcoholism , is to stop eating to drink alcohol and not gain weight.

According to information published by the , young women who fall into this behavior try to compensate for the lack of food with the intake caloric generated by the consumption of alcohol. When they can not stand hunger, they eat and then provoke threw up before drinking alcohol again.

This disorder, which is sometimes accompanied by bulimia , it can have various consequences such as difficulty concentrating, anemia , damage to vital organs, diseases Chronicles and finally death.

For José Arturo Arce , specialist in eating disorders , one of the main problems of the alcohorexia is that who suffers it, can develop a double pathology, that is, the eating disorder plus the addiction to the alcohol , which in the end will result in a double deterioration of the organism caused by the alcoholism and the malnutrition .

He explains that this problem occurs mainly in young women, between 15 and 24 years old.

Risk combination

José Arturo Arce states that it is vitally important that young people measure their consumption of alcoholic beverages and avoid getting drunk when they have not eaten.

Explain that the body, not having enough food to process, quickly absorbs alcohol; if the percentage of it is greater than the metabolism can support, the excess of this substance could cause death.

"It is important that young people, because it is also a disorder that can affect men, self-examine and wonder if they have problems when drinking intoxicating drinks," says the specialist.

According to Arce, if the alcohorexia is detected in time can be treated by psychological therapies, clinical control, toxicology and nutrition as well as a constant accompaniment so that the patient can overcome the nutritional disorder that presents.

"New eating disorders have arisen that have a common denominator that is the weightloss drastically following behaviors that can condition the life of a person, the obsession with being thin and the social acceptance of alcohol consumption are part of the origin of this serious disorder, "said the specialist.

For this it is important that parents, close relatives and friends are aware if the affected young person avoids eating to drink alcohol or if they have symptoms of malnutrition Y alcoholism , because only detecting it in time could save your life.

The specialist said that an individual with overweight He is not healthy and neither is he an extremely thin person, because he can also have problems with his health.

He explained that it is important to maintain a diet Balanced accompanied by a food of each group that makes up the dish of good eating, as well as consulting the nutritionist.

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