Psychological causes of anorexia

Anorexia is an eating disorder derived from a deep obsession with body image, being thin and the fear of gaining weight. Adolescents who suffer from anorexia are constantly concerned about the amount of calories consumed during the day and how much they have the few foods they eat. In some cases they take pills, laxatives and derivatives to try to lose weight. They can also exercise excessively .

Anorexia nervosa is divided into two types: restrictive and compulsive purgatory . The first type of patients lose weight through diets and intense exercise. Purging compulsive patients resort to purges and induced vomiting.

The causes of eating disorders continue to be studied by scientists, but it is still unknown if there is a specific factor that activates or causes anorexia, some psychological reasons for suffering from it according to the site "Parenting Teens" are:

-The adolescent feels stressed by some cause or is angry about something in his life

-A need to be in "control" of things.

-The society is determined to put pressure on young people to stay thin

The age of greatest risk to suffer anorexia and bulimia in girls is 13 years of age, and in children 15, it is already at this stage, when they begin to feel fear of weight gain according to data from the Ministry of Health.

We are gathering information, help us with your opinion. Is there any other cause that causes anorexia among young people?

Video Medicine: How an eating disorder develops: Madi O'Dell's story (April 2024).