Healthy diet reduces congenital risks

The feeding of the woman during the pregnancy It is very important, because it helps to reduce the congenital risks of the baby. According to a study of the Stanford School of Medicine, in Palo Alto, California , the ladies must wear a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains during their fertile years .

The doctor Suzan L. Carmichael ensures that people who consume salads or products with folic acid , iron Y calcium , have a lower chance of having a child with anencephaly , harelip , cleft palate or with defects in the neural tube ; In addition, it decreases the risk of abortions involuntary

In the study, published by the magazine Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine , the diets of three thousand 824 women who had children with birth defects were compared with those of six thousand 807 mothers of healthy children. It was found that small ladies who consumed saturated fats and foods rich in sugars had a congenital problem.

The sanitary authorities of each country have developed campaigns to promote the consumption of folic acid among women of childbearing age, through supplements, in order to avoid such ailments.

The following video describes the types of food a woman should consume pregnant .

Researchers recommend the combination of healthy foods with supplements folic acid , in order to complement your benefits.

If you want to know more about the subject, visit our special pregnancy

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