Cluster headache or migrainous neuralgia

Also known as migrainous, Horton or Cluster neuralgia, this pain affects one side of the head and can cause tearing and nasal congestion. Scientists do not know exactly what causes cluster headaches (CR), but it seems that something has to do with the sudden release of histamine or serotonin by the body.

Family history does not seem to play a major role and, in any case, some of the people who experience CR are heavy smokers. The consumption of alcohol, as well as the bright light, the stress or certain foods, can trigger episodes. These headaches are a fairly common form of chronic headache and usually occur repetitively every day at the same time for several weeks and then disappear.

Symptoms and risk factors: care with tobacco

A group of researchers from the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery "Dr. Manuel Velasco Suárez "(INNN), points out that the cluster headache It is clinically distinguished by the tendency of attacks to occur in groups (clusters) separated by episodes of remission.

It is uncommon compared to other primary headaches, but the severity of the attacks requires timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Cluster headache is more common between 25 and 30 years of age and is more common in men than in women.

Most common symptoms

No clear risk factors are known, however, CR has been linked to tobacco and alcohol consumption. The most common symptoms are very intense, throbbing or throbbing pain; The pain is unilateral and can radiate to the jaw, neck or temporal area.

In the opinion of the experts, unlike migraine, the patient is agitated and restless during the attack. CR can be precipitated by lack of sleep, alcohol consumption, inhalation of organic solvents or emotional stress . It is usually aroused during REM sleep and may awaken the patient.


The goal of treatment is to relieve the symptoms of CR, not cure it. The Headaches they may disappear spontaneously or a treatment that prevents pain or mitigates it may be needed once it appears. The specialist can recommend a series of anti-inflammatory medications.

According to the INNN researchers, the inhaled oxygen It is an effective treatment for the attack of cluster headache.

Video Medicine: Secondary Headaches (April 2024).