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In Mexico, 80.2% of cases of stomach cancer It is detected late, due to the lack of information to identify symptoms in time, so it is important that you learn what are the risk factors for stomach cancer.

According to the Mexican Association for the Fight against Cancer , a way to prevent the development of stomach cancer is to consume foods rich in vitamin A such as carrots, melons and pumpkins, but what causes this type of neoplasia?


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1. Salty and smoked foods

To consume in excess smoked foods, fish and salted meat, as well as the vegetables conserved in vinegar increase the risk of suffering it, points out the American Cancer Society .

The nitrites and nitrates found in these products are converted into compounds that promote the development of cancer cells when they come into contact with bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori.

2 Consumption of contaminated food

The consumption of food contaminated with the aflatoxin fungus such as corn tortillas, dairy products, eggs, chicken and cereals.

These mushrooms are resistant to heat, as well as to ultra-pasteurization and fermentation processes.

3. Tobacco use

This habit favors the formation of tumors in the upper part of the stomach and esophagus.

4. Family background

People who have relatives (parents, siblings and children) with stomach cancer are more likely to develop the disease.

5. Having an infection with Helicobacter pylori

When a person has this type of infection and does not have adequate treatment promotes inflammation and precancerous changes in the inner lining of the stomach.

6. Stomach lymphoma

People who have suffered lymphoma of lymphatic tissue associated with the mucosa (MALT) have a higher risk of developing adenocarcinoma of the stomach.

7. Prior surgery

The development of this neoplasm is more common in people who have undergone some operation to relieve ulcers or some injury in the stomach.

8. Pernicious anemia

People who do not absorb vitamin B12 properly have a low production of red blood cells, which favors the appearance of stomach cancer.

If you want to prevent the development of stomach cancer you only have to consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables, reduce the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, as well as perform studies every year to identify any abnormalities in your body.

Video Medicine: Details of Various Crimes Registered in Telugu states | Be Alert Briefs | NTV (April 2024).