A bed for everyone ...

One of the most difficult decisions that parents have to face, in the childhood of their children, is to choose the space where they go to rest; however, whether for education or economics, they opt for the children to sleep with them without knowing that this can be harmful.

In accordance with Eva Caballero, psychologist of the Metropolitan System of Solidarity (Sisol), parents think that sleep with your children It is the best way to protect them from their fears, but they hurt them, as it interferes with their physical growth and independence.


A bed for everyone ...

For the neurophysiologist Rosa Peraita, head of the sleep study unit of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid, the dream is a period of great activity of the cerebral cortex and during its course hormones such as growth hormone are secreted, cortisol and melatonin.

An adequate sleep in quantity and quality is fundamental for a healthy development in children. Otherwise, Dr. Peraita explains that certain sleep disturbances that could compromise the growth hormone segregation and condition their height and self-esteem.

Also, the specialist indicates that the child must have their own living space also to sleep and rest. "It needs certain conditions of isolation, light, thermal and acoustic that help it to reconcile the dream".

The expert specifies that external factors such as snoring or movement-related contacts when sharing the bed, may favor over time the appearance of disorders, especially insomnia . Even the habit of the child sleeping with the elderly can encourage the practice of sexual abuse to the minors.

It is very important that from a child the child is taught to sleep alone, in his bed and at a certain time. This in order to generate a good nocturnal habit That favors your health.

Video Medicine: Making a bed - Wordless video so everyone can understand (April 2024).