Parasitosis generates pneumonia

The parasitism , which is generated by a bad hygiene personal and food, is reflected through abdominal pain and diarrhea; Also, when it gets complicated it can detonate diseases as the pneumonia .

Mauricio Castillo Barradas, gastroenterologist attached to the Specialties Hospital of the National Medical Center "La Raza" , points out that this condition is common that is present in childhood, because children usually play with dirt or take any object to the mouth.

In addition, the specialist stressed that people can get parasitism through food, fruits and vegetables, which were irrigated with black water or contaminated with eggs parasites .

Therefore, it is essential that all the products we eat be washed, disinfected or boiled; as well as washing our hands before and after going to the bathroom or trying some food.


What is parasitism?

It is the infestation of various types of parasites that they can cause damages according to their type or the aggression to the mucosa; It is acquired by helminths or protozoa.

The first ones are worms like ascaris lumbricoide and the tenia; while the seconds are the amoebas , entamoeba histolytica and intestinal giardia.

The amoebas in the intestine consume the nutrients from the food and do not let the body absorb them; therefore, some children have anemic symptoms or malnutrition with lack of concentration or chronic fatigue.

Meanwhile, ascaris it can migrate to the lung or bile duct and cause obstruction; the I had, instead, it can migrate to the eyes, the heart or the central nervous system.

However, the parasite most common is amoeba , whose most common symptoms are nausea, abdominal pain, threw up Y diarrhea .


How is it cured?

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the general doctor José Alejandro de León explains the treatment an infected person should follow:

Also, children are recommended, as they are more prone to this health problem, and their parents, to wash their hands constantly and perform a deworming every six months.

It is important to avoid self-medication, because the parasitism It must be treated by a doctor, because each parasite it must be treated with a different drug.

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