Childhood obesity a major health problem in Mexico

In Mexico increasingly children they are overweight because of lifetime sedentary in which they are immersed. Our country is the first place in obesity in the world. This has been tried to revert with diverse campaigns in order to create awareness in society about the importance of having a balanced diet and exercising daily.


The concern for eradicate , or at least decrease, the incidence of this disease in the children population , is to prevent future cases of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which can attack them in their adult life .


The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that in 2010 there were 42 million overweight children around the world and that of that amount 35 millions They live in developing countries.



Main causes


The WHO points out that among the main factors causing obesity is the change in diet, that is, that it has privileged the intake of foods that contain a high degree of calories, as well as few vitamins and minerals that provide healthy nutrients to the body . Not to mention the terrible tendency to not exercise or any physical activity.


The sedentary lifestyle is one of the main enemies for the fight of obesity, children do not currently dedicate their free time to the realization of physical exercise or games that invite them to move and thus maintain a healthy body .


In addition to this, the WHO notes that another cause of obesity is the change in the social environment, since unlike an adult, children can not choose what they should eat or what foods cause them more damage


This is due to the accelerated pace of life that some countries and cities have and that sometimes, it is the parents who, having this rhythm, prefer to consume both their family and processed foods ready to cook at any time.


Source: Vanguard

Video Medicine: Childhood Obesity: Mexico has world's worst childhood obesity (April 2024).